Thank you for your interest in purchasing a membership with USA Artistic Swimming. Please read through our types of membership below to help decide which is right for you. If you need any additional help figuring out what membership is right for you, please email

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Try Artistic Swimming Day Membership! This form should be used by clubs who are hosting a one day event for athletes to try out artistic swimming. Each athlete attending the event needs to sign this waiver to be covered under the event sanction. Please submit all signed waivers back to USAAS at

  • Adult Memberships: Anyone over the age of 18 during the 2022-2023 Season. If you turn 18 anytime before August 31, 2023 you need an adult membership.
  • Youth Memberships: Anyone who remains 17 and under during the 2022-2023 Season.
  1. Club Membership
    1. Click here for more information.
  2. Professional Membership: Adult/Youth ($104.00)
    1. Membership to be utilized by coaches/judges who coach on deck on a regular basis and who attend and participate in sanctioned events.
    2. Professional coaches are required to have CCP, CPR training, Safe Sport training, and a background check.
    3. Professional judges are required to have judge training, Safe Sport Training, and a background check.
    4. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States
  3. Life Membership: Active ($2,004.00)
  4. Participants will have a one-time purchase that will allow them a membership for life. This individual is currently active as a coach, judge or athlete. Coaches and judges who purchase this membership are still required to adhere to the trainings required for professional membership. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
  5. Life Membership: Retired ($2,004.00)
    1. Participants will have a one-time purchase that will allow them a membership for life. This individual is currently not participating as a coach, judge or athlete but still wishes to receive messages.
    2. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
  6. Skills Membership ($54.00)
    1. This membership is to be purchased for any external practice resource a club may utilize, such as a dance teacher, Pilates instructor, athletic trainer, etc.
    2. Individuals with this membership are required to have a background check and Safe Sport training.
  7. Instructor Membership: Adult/Youth ($54.00)
    1. This category is for coaches who provide instruction for lessons, recreational programs and summer clubs.
    2. Individuals may participate in local activities including but not limited to shows, clinics and camps.
    3. The individual may participate in non-qualifying competitions such as an invitational.
    4. Individuals with this membership are required to have a background check and Safe Sport training.
  8. Official Level 1 and 2 Membership ($54.00)
    1. Officials/Judges who are Level 1 or Level 2 (Association/Junior Olympic Regional Judges).
    2. Individuals with this membership are required to have a background check and Safe Sport training.
  9. Athlete Safety Membership ($44.00)
    1. This membership is to be purchased by chaperones and board of directors of a club.
    2. Holders of this membership are required to have Safe Sport certification as well as a background screen, which is included in the price of the membership.
  10. Friend of USA Artistic Swimming Membership ($39.00)
    1. Membership purchased for any individual who wishes to receive email communication and updates from USA Artistic Swimming.
  11. Athlete Membership: Adult/Youth ($54.00)
    1. This membership is to be utilized by recreational athletes that do not participate in qualifying or national events.
    2. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
  12. Competitive Athlete Membership: Adult/Youth ($104.00)
    1. This membership is appropriate for athletes who will be competing in sanctioned events and camps/clinics, qualifying events and national championships.
    2. Adult options of this membership are available for athletes ages 18 and over which requires Safe Sport training.
    3. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
  13. Trial Athlete Membership: Adult/Youth ($19.00)
    1. Individuals who only participate in club activities for a maximum period of 30 days.
    2. The Trial Athlete membership can be renewed as many times as desired.
    3. Should the Trial Athlete upgrade his/her membership to the Athlete or Competitive Athlete category, then an additional fee shall be assessed for the upgrade.
    4. The upgrade will also receive a maximum of one $15.00 credit to be applied from the Trial Athlete category fee.

Find your club on the list below and click the link purchase a membership with that club affiliation. Clubs who have not purchased a club membership for the 2022-2023 season will not have purchase links available.

  1. Akula Artistic Swimming Club
  2. Allstar Synchro: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  3. ANA YMCA Synchro
  4. Aqua Angels Artistic Swimming
  5. Aqua Marin Synchro
  6. Aqua Queens
  7. Sprites Of Wisconsin
  8. Aquamermaid
  9. Aquamermaid Austin: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  10. Aquanuts of Clear Lake: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  11. Aquarelles Synchro
  12. AquaSprites: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  13. AquaStarz (Davis) Synchro Swim: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  14. Arizona Aqua Stars
  15. Arizona Desert Dolphins
  16. Arizona Desert Gems: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  17. Arizona Synergy Artistic Swimming
  18. Armada Artistic Swim Team
  19. Attleboro Y Lyonfish Synchronettes
  20. Austin Angelfish
  21. Bay Area Synchro
  22. Berkeley Aquatic Synch: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  23. BGCN Aquamarines: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  24. Binghamton Bling
  25. Blue Legend Artistic Swimming
  26. Boston Synchroswim
  27. Bozeman Synchro
  28. Brecksville Blue Dolphins
  29. California Synchro Masters
  30. Cambridge Synchro
  31. Carolina Synchro Club: Clubhas not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  32. Charlottesville Swans
  33. Cincinnati YMCA Synchrogators
  34. College of William & Mary: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  35. Colorado Novas
  36. Colorado State Synchro: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  37. Colorado Synchro Storm: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  38. Coral Springs Aquacades
  39. CSA Synchro
  40. CV Spiralettes
  41. Cypress Swim Club
  42. Dallas Synergy Artistic Swimming
  43. Dayton Aqua Gems
  44. Dayton Synchronettes
  45. DC Synchromasters
  46. East End Synchro Swans
  47. East Tennessee Dolphins
  48. Falconettes Synchronized Swimming
  49. Flagler County Synchro Belles
  50. Florida Elite Synchro Warriors
  51. Freedom Valley YMCA Synchro
  52. Gainesville Gaviatas
  53. Gardens Synchro
  54. Georgia Elegant Fin: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  55. Grand Canyon University: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  56. Hamachi Swim Warriors Synchro: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  57. Hamden Heronettes
  58. Hershey Coralettes
  59. Hialeah Stormettes
  60. Houston SynchroStars
  61. Imagine Synchro
  62. Indy Synchro
  63. Jersey Manta Rays
  64. Kansas City Sea Sprites
  65. Kansas City Storm
  66. La Mirada Aquabelles
  67. Lakeland YMCA Flamingo Synchro
  68. Lone Star Synchro
  69. Los Angeles Sea Stars
  70. Los Angeles Synchro Nymphs
  71. M Synchronized Swim Team
  72. MAC Synchro
  73. Mad City Aquastars
  74. Maine Synchronized Swimming
  75. Manhattan Plaza Waterworks
  76. Menomonee Falls Dolphinettes
  77. Meraquas Of Irvine
  78. Miami Meraquas Synchro
  79. Michigan Sharkettes/Troy Synchro
  80. Michigan Synchro Masters
  81. Midtown Mystiques
  82. Midwest Mermaids: Cub has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  83. Milwaukee Synchro Sirens
  84. Minnesota Aquafins
  85. Minnesota Northern Pikes
  86. Minnesota Synchronettes
  87. Miramar Mermaids
  88. NCO Synchro
  89. New Canaan Y Aquianas
  90. New England Masters
  91. North Austin Rivermaid: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  92. Northern Formation Synchro
  93. Northern Virginia Nereids
  94. NoVa Synchro
  95. Ohio Coralinas Synchro
  96. Oneonta Aqua Danse
  97. Optima Synchro
  98. Orlando Loreleis Artistic Swimming
  99. Pacific Waves Synchro
  100. Palm Beach Coralytes
  101. Palm Springs Synchro
  102. Pirouettes Of Texas
  103. Pittsburgh Artistic Swimming
  104. Potomac Valley Pearls
  105. Ramapo Aqua Masters
  106. Redwood Empire
  107. Riverside Aquettes
  108. Rochester Dolphins Synchro
  109. Rocky Mountain Splash
  110. Sacramento Synchro Swim Team
  111. San Diego Sea Sprites
  112. San Diego Sea Stars
  113. San Dieguito Synchro
  114. San Francisco Merionettes
  115. San Francisco Tsunami Synchro
  116. Santa Clara Artistic Swimming
  117. Sarasota Sharks Synchro
  118. Scottsdale Synchro Arizona
  119. Sculpins Synchro
  120. SeaStars Chicago
  121. Seattle Cascades Synchro Club
  122. Seattle Synchro LLC
  123. South Shore Sea Dragons
  124. Southern Nevada Desert Mermaids
  125. Splash Synchronized Swimming
  126. St. Louis Y Synchro
  127. St. Paul Stars
  128. Stanford University
  129. Stillwater Synchro
  130. Subversive Sirens
  131. Suncoast Waterworks
  132. Sunset Athletic Club
  133. Swimkins Synchronized
  134. SwimRVA Rapids Artistic Swimming
  135. Synchro Sirens MA: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  136. Tallahassee Serinas
  137. Tampa Bay SynchRays
  138. Team Florida Masters
  139. Team New York Aquatic
  140. Texas Woman's University
  141. The Lakes Mermaids
  142. The Ohio State University
  143. The Synchro Sirens
  144. Town Of Tonawanda Aquettes
  145. Triangle Aqualinas
  146. Trident Artistic Swimming
  147. Tualatin Hills Synchro Club
  148. Tucson Synchro
  149. UCLA
  150. University of Arizona
  151. University of Florida
  152. University of Incarnate World: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  153. University Of Michigan
  154. Univeristy of Minnesota
  155. University of Pennsylvania: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  156. University of Richmond
  157. Unsyncables of La Mirada
  158. Walnut Creek Aquanuts
  159. West Houston Bluebonnettes: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  160. Westside Artistic Swimming
  161. Wheaton College
  162. Windy City Aquasprites
  163. Wisconsin Waterloons
  164. YMCA Orcas: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  165. Yale Synchronized Swimming: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  166. YMCA Central Florida Loreleis: Club has not purchased their 2022-2023 membership
  167. YMCA Synchro Stars
  168. York Synchro