Membership Information#
Click HERE for Membership Purchase links.
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Adult Memberships - Anyone 18 years or older on or before August 31, 2025.
Youth Memberships - Anyone 17 years or younger on or before August 31, 2025.
Try Artistic Swimming: This form should be used by clubs who are hosting a one day event for athletes to try out artistic swimming. Each athlete attending the event needs to sign this waiver to be covered under the event sanction. Please submit all signed waivers back to USAAS at
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Types of Membership#
($104.00): Membership to be utilized by coaches/judges who coach on deck on a regular basis and who attend and participate in sanctioned events. Professional coaches are required to have CCP, CPR training, Safe Sport training, and a background check. Professional judges are required to have judge training, Safe Sport Training, and a background check. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
($2,004.00): Participants will have a one-time purchase that will allow them a membership for life. This individual is currently active as a coach, judge or athlete. Coaches and judges who purchase this membership are still required to adhere by the trainings required for professional membership. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
($2,004.00): Participants will have a one-time purchase that will allow them a membership for life. This individual is currently not participating as a coach, judge or athlete but still wishes to receive messages. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
($54.00): This membership is to be purchased for any external practice resource a club may utilize, such as a dance teacher, Pilates instructor, athletic trainer, etc. Individuals with this membership are required to have a background check and Safe Sport training.
($54.00): This category is for coaches who provide instruction for lessons, recreational programs and summer clubs. Individuals may participate in local activities including but not limited to shows, clinics and camps. The individual may participate in non-qualifying competitions such as an invitational. Individuals with this membership are required to have FA/CPR training, a background check and Safe Sport training.
($54.00): Officials/Judges who are Level 1 or Level 2 (Association/Junior Olympic Regional Judges). Individuals with this membership are required to have a background check and Safe Sport training.
($44.00): This membership is to be purchased by chaperones and board of directors of a club. Holders of this membership are required to have Safe Sport certification as well as a two year background screen, which is included in the price of the membership. Once you have purchased your membership, please email for a discount code for your background screening if needed. IF THIS IS YOUR SECOND YEAR PURCHASING THIS MEMBERSHIP YOU DO NOT NEED TO REAPPLY FOR A BACKGROUND SCREEN. THE SCREEN WILL BE RUN AUTOMATICALLY.
($39.00): Membership purchased for any individual who wishes to receive email communication and updates from USA Artistic Swimming.
($54.00): This membership is to be utilized by recreational athletes that do not participate in qualifying or national events. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
($104.00): This membership is appropriate for athletes who will be competing in sanctioned events and camps/clinics, qualifying events and national championships. Adult options of this membership are available for athletes ages 18 and over which requires Safe Sport training. The designated email for this membership will receive email updates related to events, organizational news and the sport in the United States.
($19.00): Individuals who only participate in club activities for a maximum period of 30 days. The Trial Athlete membership can be renewed as many times as desired. Should the Trial Athlete upgrade his/her membership to the Athlete or Competitive Athlete category, then an additional fee shall be assessed for the upgrade. The upgrade will also receive a maximum of one $15.00 credit to be applied from the Trial Athlete category fee.
Membership Strategic Plan
USAAS along with its board of directors set the goal of developing a three year strategic plan. The development of this plan aimed at understanding who our membership is and what our clubs need in order to grow and retain athletes.
Click here to view this document.
Background Checks#
I grant USA Artistic Swimming to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media, in any/all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. Additionally, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product where my likeness appears.
Agreeing to these terms means I have read and understand the above photo release agreement. I affirm that I am at least 18 years of age, or if I am under 18 years of age, I have obtained the required consent of my parents/guardians as evidenced by the signatures below.